North Island Limousin Breeders Bull Trial
27th Annual Sale Results

Outstanding Limousin Bulls Earn Record Prices
The 27th Annual NILB Bull Trial sale prices rewarded an outstanding line of R2 Limousin Bulls. With just over half of the entries to this year’s trial finding their way to the sale it meant the quality of the bulls on offer was impressive.
Thanks to NZ Livestock for their assistance with the sale set up including the work getting the details on line and active as part of sale day. They worked very hard prior to sale day on promotion of the trial sale. With an average price of $5,880, it showed that this line of bulls was very even.
Mangatara 1275Q- See Photo Above
Top price of $7,600 went to the last bull of the day, Lot 12, Mangatara 1275Q, a homozygous polled and black bull. Mangatara 1275Q was a completely homegrown bull sired by Mangatara 271K with the Dam being, Mangatara Hebe. The impressive looking black bull went to the Maniapoto Trust from Te Kuiti. The Maniapoto Trust from Te Kuiti is a long time supporter and purchaser of bulls from the trial. Congratulations go to Erik and Lyn Van der Velden (Mangatara) from Dannevirke and purchaser Dennis Astle.
Mangatara 1235Q – See Above
Mangatara 1235Q, another homozygous polled bull was sired by new French bull, Junior PP with Dam, homegrown Mangatara Juls, gained the second top price. A well muscled apricot bull, Mangatara 1235Q showed very good growth and scanning results. Paula Holmes and Micky Bates, new ALBS members, paid $7,500. The bull goes to Te Awamutu.
Kivlean Quantum (Glencairn York /Kivlean Kaye) made $6,500 and went to Kevin and Beth Walker from Taumaranui. Kevin is a past NILB President and convenor of many NILB Bull Trials.
Grayleen Quantify (Kivlean Languedoc/Grayleen Lavenda) made $6,400 and went to Colin and Marion Merrin from Tauranga. The Merrins are long time supporters of the Bull Trial.
. Sadly it is time for us to say goodbye and thank you to Richard and Diana Maxwell for their farming of the bulls at Matamata. Once again they presented the bulls in very good shape for sale day with consistent weight gains up to 1.2kg a day for the duration of the trial. Limax Enterprises are great supporters of Limousin and the Limousin Bull Trial in the Waikato. We wish them well in their move North and trust they will remain part of our team moving forward.
Also, and with some regrets I must relinquish my post as Convenor of the Bull Trial. I have supported the trial for many years and have been convenor for the last two years but this has been my last event. I wish the trial and fellow breeders all the very best moving forward.
The Trial is grateful for his support of Limousin in NZ and the Bull Trials over many years.
Frank Rientjes, Convenor, NILB Bull Trial 2020-2021